Post-Surgery, Mom Reports Into Facebook

Here’s what she had to say today:

I feel like I’ve been stabbed and then hit by a ‘Mac truck! (2 Days in Intensive care unit and then home. Too ornery to keep.) So. When someone says it’s ‘minimally invasive’ make sure you interpret MINIMAL correctly. Holy crap that was a surprise. Going back to bed and my hazy world of drugs. But, not to fear… I’m back. Thanks for all your good wishes and prayers.


Can’t sit very long and am too ‘medicated’ to think about spelling. 🙂 Just checking in to say ‘Hi’ to all of you lovely friends and wonderful family. Everyone called. Brother from Switzerland. Cousin from Germany. Friend from Las Vegas my daughter Tanya and my other daughter. :-)))))))))))) Coughing presents multi-culti curses.

Well-wishers are piling on with comments and Likes.

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